Canterbury Home Kill


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steak on a cutting board
Canterbury Home Kill


Slaughter Charges

  • $50 | single sheep kill
  • $35 | Lambs
  • $5 per skin | Sheep-pelts / skins removal

Price may vary due to size of sheep and access to the animal.

Processing Charges

  • $35 | per lamb
  • $35 | large sheep
  • extra $5 | per primal
  • extra $5 | diced shoulders

Gourmet Cuts

  • $2.50 each | French Racks
  • $2.50 each leg | Boned Hind Legs
  • $2.50 each leg | Leg Steaks
  • $25 each | Mutton Ham
  • $2.50 each | Seasoning Per Primal
  • $5 for both rolled together | Flaps Rolled

Small Goods

Check here for small goods prices


$5 processed & packaged per animal

No charge collected and left on property in customer container
